Command and Conquer Level Level Name: Tiberium Nightmare Created By: Patrick 'Soya' Van Der Nat( Release Date: 13th December 1995 Completion Time: About 32 hours, give or take a few sleepless nights. Map information: Large (62x62), temperate theatre. used Tiberium Garden. Player: GDI Difficulty: As challenging as I could make it.(Being my first attempt!) Filename: File contents: scg15ea.ini,, mission.ini, savegame.001, tbnightm.txt Hardware used: Pentium 133Mhz Software used: cc-scen and tools by Andrew Griffin Tested on Command and Conquer v1.18 (English version) Level replacement ----------------- This file is meant to replace the last GDI mission. It does work when used with other missions, but has been designed specifically for this mission. Mission Description ------------------- A new island has been discovered in the Pacific, full of tiberium. NOD have discovered it too and they won't share! There is one problem! Your drop location is known by NOD and their troops will be here soon! Thankfully you managed to gather a few of the boys and you've heard rumours of hidden treasures in this land that should aid in your quest. Level Description ----------------- This level is TOUGH!. There is really only one solution to complete this level. All you need to do is......... Hehe. I'll let you find out. There should be no need to cheat as this level can be completed without changing any values like credits etc. Be prepared for a loooonnngggg battle. The mission instructions should give you a clue. It will probably take several attempts as certain 'traps' are set in the scenario. Usage ----- For those who don't want to bother messing around editing files, a savegame has been supplied that was taken the instant the level started. Simply copy this file (savegame.001) into your Command and Conquer directory (rename it if you don't want to lose one of your savegames). Then simply load that file when you start. You will not be able to restart the mission if you do this, you will have to re-load it if you need to try again. If you choose this method, you can ignore the next part. If you want something more complete, you need to have the GDI version of the general.mix file on your hard drive. You also need the program map-p.exe (available in the distribution of cc-scen; you can get this distribution from amongst other places). Put the file scg15ea.ini into your Command and Conquer directory, along with the mission.ini file. Now you need to patch the general.mix file with the Depending on which version of map-p you have, you can do this in two ways. The latest release allows you to simply type in an offset in the command line. You can patch the file with the command: map-p general.mix 2927442 If you have the older version of map-p, use the command map-p general.mix and when asked for the offset, type in 2cab52 and press Enter. You will now be able to use this scenario properly when you play the last GDI mission.(use CCMISS editor to change a old GDI savegame to level 15) If you put the file mission.ini into your Command and Conquer directory, you will not be able to access the mission text for other missions until it is removed. If you are just using the savegame method and aren't patching the general.mix file, do not put the scg15ea.ini file into your Command and Conquer directory. It may cause Command and Conquer to crash when you play the last GDI mission. Do not put the mission.ini file into this directory either if you are using this method. Other Information ----------------- Please be kind, this is my first attempt. I play tested it for 3 hours and completed it once. I don't think that all the triggers work properly yet as I don't have all the trigger and teamtype variable information.(If anyone knows all or part of the trigger and teamtype variables please mail me with that info). I know that a few of the NOD airdrops are way off target. If you folks like this level I'll make up some more levels. I already have made this level into a Multiplayer level and it shouldn't take long to change this level from GDI vs NOD to NOD vs GDI or whatever. To finish I would like to thank people like Andrew Griffin whom take time to write these wonderful editors. Keep 'em coming. Ha.Ha.Ha.(Commando accent) Have Phun!. Patrick 'Soya' Van Der Nat (